Monday, September 08, 2008

the way it is

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

King is back bitches

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Nobody bakes a cake as tasty as a tastykake. Believe it. Best edible product from Philly, fuck a cheese steak

Friday, March 23, 2007

My Boy sent me a rad white rapper story

dude I have the BEST JB story of all time
this girl I'm dating works for MTV, she emailed him to have him
perform ONE SONG for my birthday, just a freestyle about me, she got
in contact with his people, he agreed, it was a place in BK right near
where he lives
ok, check this dude ONE song right
she was like, I can give you 500 bux dude emailed her back and was
like "don't disrespect me , I need AT LEAST $5,000" haaaa
I am gonna fight that dude

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

SO it's been a long time

So what deal with it.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Philadelphia Ratha Yatra and the Phillies

So we went to Ratha Yatra this weekend. good times. My wife was hanging out with baby when what do I see? John Joseph. haha

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Oh Man... From Associated Press...

Dog, Arrested Dammnnn. My man

Associated Press
HONOLULU - TV reality star Duane "Dog" Chapman was arrested early this morning in Hawaii, his publicist, Mona Wood, confirmed. Wood said she could provide no details.
MSNBC reports said U.S. Marshals arrested Chapman and two family members - Leland and Tim Chapman - on kidnapping charges.
The news channel said Mexico issued a warrant for Chapman's arrest for his alleged kidnapping of Max Factor heir Andrew Luster three years ago.
Chapman's capture of Luster - a serial rapist - in Mexico catapulted the bounty hunter to fame and led to the reality series on the A&E channel.
Wood says this is obviously a very upsetting time for the Chapman family. She says Chapman is a true modern-day hero.
"He arrests the bad guys - and he is definitely not one of them," she said, adding he would be vindicated.

Star and Hero. Haha. they didn't mention his sick mullet or torpedo titted wife.

Captian My Captain

So ends the career of a great Flyer. I love hockey and to see a guy's career end like this sucks. I hope he's mentally okay. He sure as hell seems like a real quality dude.